I did it and I'm so proud of myself I ran a 5k and finished in 36 mins which isn't that bad considering I walked a few times. There were so many hills steep hills I have been training on the treadmil with no incline so I wasn't expecting hill. I think if i was running outdoors more my time would have been alot better but I will be registering for another 5k very soon. So I've decided to start running home from school on mons and weds and running to school on fridays its only 3.9 miles which is pretty much what I run on the treadmil i feel I'm killing two birds with one stone cuz I get my workout in and I get home. Earth hour is right around the corner I'm really excited for it I've pretty much forced my husband to join me. The month of march is almost over :( which means we are one more month closer to deployment time. I know I can do this but it just sucks to be away from my husband for so long. I am making a scrapbook for him for so when he gets lonely he can open it and it remind him of home. I'm I'm 3 concert pieces for school I tried out for one and I actually made it the other two are class pieces so I didnt have to audition. I'm excited for the concert I hopefully my husband will be able to come and watch.
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