Saturday, June 25, 2011

Its About That Time.

when I was in highschool I never really had a weight problem. I was 5'6''and 105 pounds I never thought about what I ate or how much, I just ate whenever and whatever I wanted. My heaviest back then was about 110 that was at begining of my senior year. When I met my husband and got on birthcontrol everthing changed little by little the weight started coming on. It went from 115,120,125,130 since I am tall(5'7'') I didnt really see that much of a difference.I didnt think I was fat until middle of my first year of marriage. I was 155, thats when I realized maybe I need to start working out. Ever since then its been up and down fight with my weight. I would lose 20 pounds and then I would get lazy and instead of finishing to my goal. I sat around for months eating junk and I'd gain it back. I am now at my heaviest 157 and I hate it. I really want to change, I see pictures of myself lately and I think how in the heck did I let myself get that way. Its embrassing to have all this extra weight on my body and I've never been pregnant or anything. I did this to myself. So I've made a decision to change my life for good no more slacking I want to hit my goal by Oct.. (my goal is 110) 40pounds might seem a bit much but its where I want to be. I bough the book Reshaping It All around march and I read most of it. But I think I'm going to start it over again and read the entire book while I am working out.

Here are some of my old and new photo you can see a huge difference.
 this was the summer before my senior year i was alittle too thin but i felt great
 haha i took this when i was still highschool 
 this is me last weekend
two days ago :(

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